
5 Best times to contact an employment lawyer – Employment Law Show: S6 E21


5 BEST TIMES TO CONTACT AN EMPLOYMENT LAWYER on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer . Discover your and learn everything you to know about employment law Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 6 Episode 21 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 – Intro

🔹 Detailed doctor’s note for vaccine exemption – 2:19
My employer has put in place a vaccine mandate at work. I spoke to my doctor and for medical reasons agreed I am unable to be vaccinated. My employer refused to accept my doctor’s note and stated it was not detailed enough and put me on unpaid leave.

📞 Severance pay when a closes – 6:44
Caller from “I’m a salaried employee and have been with my company for over 4 years. Due to some hard times, it looks like they will be closing and I’m wondering what I will be owed in severance pay, unused vacation, etc.”
• Severance pay:

See also  Why Hiring a Workers Comp Lawyer Can Benefit Your Case

❓ Drastic schedule changes and new responsibilities – 10:01
The large company I work for informed our team last that they would be restructuring, and many of our jobs would be changing. My schedule will now include weekend shifts and new responsibilities that I never asked for. Do I have to accept these changes?

▶️ The 5 best times to contact an employment lawyer

1️⃣ If the fundamental terms of your job have changed, such as your pay, schedule, or location. – 14:34
• Constructive dismissals:

2️⃣ When you are given a new employment contract. – 17:25

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3️⃣ If complaints of harassment and bullying have not been investigated or resolved. – 19:28

4️⃣ When you are put on a temporary layoff without your consent – 21:22
• Temporary layoffs:

5️⃣ If you are terminated and given a severance package. – 22:53

📞 Let go from a job due to isolation for COVID-19 – 25:56
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: “I was let go from my job recently during the probationary period. I had contracted COVID-19 and was isolating myself for about 3 weeks at home because I still exhibited symptoms. Am I owed anything if I was terminated during probation?”

📞 Bonus included in a severance package – 26:22
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: “My employer is looking to cut , and there is a good chance I will be let go because of my age. How much severance would I get, and would my bonus have to be calculated as part of the package?”

See also  Do I Need a Workers' Compensation Lawyer?


► Before you call a lawyer, use to find out if you might have a case:
► Calculate the amount of severance pay you are owed with the Severance Pay Calculator:
► Denied -Term Disability? We Can Help. Find out more:

📍 Toronto employment lawyer –
📍 Vancouver employment lawyer –
📍 Ottawa employment lawyer –
📍 employment lawyer –

📺 More about the Employment Law Show here:
📺 Watch the Disability Law Show here:


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