
Do Lawyers Take Cases for Free? (Pro Bono)


lawyers take for free? Can they? Yes. When a lawyer represents a litigant free of charge term for it is “pro publico,” often abbreviated to just “pro bono,” which means “for the public good.” Do lawyers often take on cases for free? Usually not. Pro bono cases are few and far between for most lawyers. Pro bono can take many forms and not mean exclusively that a lawyer provides free of charge. Pro bono services can be the form of helping provide information or research free of charge, helping litigants who are representing themselves to understand and correctly fill out paperwork, or contributing money to other pro bono providers. I personally do not like representing a litigant on a pro bono basis, frankly. I find most pro bono cases and the parties associated with them to be unpleasant and unnecessarily difficult, so I try to provide my pro bono service in other ways.

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