
Child Custody Lawyers in Charlotte NC – Fathers Rights in Child Custody


Child Charlotte NC – Fathers Rights

(704) 557-0131

When I meet with men in a consultation who are worried about custody, the first question that they ask is, “Because she’s the woman, she’s going have the custody of the children, right? And I’m only going to get every other weekend.” My answer is an affirmative “No, that is not the .”

Our judges understand that both parents are important for children. In fact, our courts say that a judge cannot consider mom or dad as a preference. Fathers rights in child custody in are alive and well. The judges have to consider what’s in the interests of your child or your children. For the part, our judges think that the best interests of your children is for both parents to be involved and to have some form of joint custody or time spent with both parents.

Certainly, there are some cases where that doesn’t happen, but that’s usually a rare situation that involves specific facts to that case. If you’re worried about custody, definitely talk to a . Remember, because it’s mom and dad against each other, it doesn’t mean mom always wins.

401 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

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