
Chattanooga Social Security Lawyers | Can I claim Social Security if I already get workers’ comp?


Get .

Well certainly. benefits and Social can apply at the same time. Don’t delay your Social Security claim by thinking you’re going to wait until after your Workers’ Comp claim is resolved. Then you’re set back farther on that time line. You don’t want to wait.

Contact Chattanooga the Insiders of the McMahan Law Firm today! Go to or Call 423-265-1110.

Our Firm’s Areas of Practice include:

Car Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Construction Accidents, Boating Accidents, Rollover Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability Claims, Asbestos Exposure, , , Soft Tissue Injury, Wrongful Death, Brain Injuries, Back and Spine Injury, , Amputations, as well as Prescription Drug Injury.

If you’ve been injured and need answers to your legal questions, Ask The Insiders Now!

The McMahan Law Firm — Social Security Division
417 Georgia Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403

, Chattanooga Social Security Lawyers | Can I claim Social Security if I already get workers’ comp? , #Chattanooga #Social #Security #Lawyers #claim #Social #Security #workers #comp
