
After a car accident, how do my medical bills get paid? Personal injury attorney answers questions


In this Google Live Event, Phoenix car accident attorney John Kelly an online question about payment for medical after a car accident. You may also visit us online at or post a question to the comments section and John has agreed to answer your questions.

Barbara – I was injured in an auto accident. I know it was the other person’s , but for now I’m stuck with lots of medical bills. My case hasn’t even been filed yet, so how will these get paid?

Kelly Law Team
1 E Washington St
Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Transcript of content:
– Here with John Kelly. John is a lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona. He’s agreed to answer an online question that was posted related to car accidents and getting paid for your injuries after a car accident. So with that said, this question was from Barbara. Barbara says, “I was injured in an auto accident, I know it was the other person’s fault, but for now I’m stuck paying a lot of medical bills. My case hasn’t even been filed yet so how these going to get paid?”

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– Well, Barbara’s question is a common one. With a personal injury claim, especially if the injuries are bad, hospital bills, follow-up , surgical treatment, any other kind of physical , all that stuff, those bills start adding up. And they can be really high for individuals and the medical proprietors want to bill the patients. So in my practice, what I’ve made sure that I do, is I contact the medical care providers and let them know that my clients have personal injury claim, I let them know that I’m going to be pursuing it, and getting them a settlement, and should be able to take care of their bills with the settlement. It’s your attorney’s job to handle all the leans which are the interest that these medical care providers have in your case. So your attorney should be aggressive in making sure the medical care providers are understanding that they do not need to bill you. Now, your should pay for some of that, if you have health insurance. But you may still be stuck with co-pays, and small payments that you have to certain providers. I encourage clients to try to pay for some of those if they can, and just keep track of those and we can try to get that recoup through the settlement when that’s done. Realize that once this case is to the point where you’re going to be settling it, you’re attorney’s got to contact all the hospitals, all your medical care providers, and make sure they resolve all the leans that are against you so that when that’s settled, all those bills get taken care of and you don’t have to worry about paying anyone else off. It’s something that my practice works on very aggressively to make sure that the clients can just focus on getting better and treating, and not having to worry about a mountain of bills that are piling up because of their case.

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– Excellent. Well if you have any other questions for John just post them in the comment section down below, he’s agreed to answer your questions. Thanks, John.

– Yeah, I’m happy to talk to anyone about these issues, you can call here at Kelly Law team. My phone number is 602-283-4122.

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– Thanks.

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