
Attorney SEO | Lawyer SEO Ultimate Guide


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If you’re an Attorney there is one tactic that is materially more effective than all other forms of Digital Marketing. That tactic is SEO.

Now, if you’re a seasoned lawyer you may have had bad experiences with SEO Agencies. That’s because the industry is rife with self-proclaimed experts, below board operators and general SEO companies experimenting with Attorney SEO on your dime.

I’ve learned alot from from managing millions Paid Media on Ads and Social Media platforms for premier firms. I have also learned a ton from ranking countless Law Firms sites in highly competitive U.S markets.

When I reflect back on all of our campaigns and statistics, the data shows that when SEO is done properly, it is the undisputed champion.
My goal with this video is to you create the ideal SEO plan outline for your law firm. Execute the plan in-house or discuss the plan with your current or future agency partner.

You will also know exactly to interview a Legal SEO agency.

And whatever you do, do not hire an agency that works in multiple niches. Their employees are toggling between campaigns in different industries and this prohibits them from understanding all of the nitty gritty details of Lawyer SEO. Make sure you hire an agency that only works with Law Firms and can demonstrate their previous successes.

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Let’s dive into your Attorney SEO Plan.

The first part of the plan I am going to share is the most overlooked tactic. I see even well reputed agencies and competent SEO professionals overlook this step. This is typically because they have pre-designed SEO plans they are looking to apply to all new clients.

That approach will not for your Law Firm. Especially in competitive markets.

I’m talking about competitive analysis. In order to craft a winning strategy; you need to know certain information about competing firms taking up valuable space on the Search Engine Results Page.

Next is Local SEO. Local SEO is all the best practices associated with ranking number one in Google Maps. Which is a massive money maker for law firms. You are going to want to start by optimizing your Google Profile Manager, big legal directories and citations.

The next category is your website.
Your site design is often left out of the SEO conversation. But, I am here to tell you that the highest impact SEO campaigns are tied to beautifully designed websites.

Think of SEO as a One-Two-Punch. First, you need quality organic traffic. Next you need that traffic to convert. Design, User Experience and Conversion Rate Optimization best practices all play an integral role in whether or not that conversion takes place.

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So it’s decision making time. If you have some good SEO traffic but it’s not converting. It may be time for a redesign.

Category number 3 is technical SEO. I know I run the risk of putting you to sleep with this topic. But Tech SEO is the foundation of a great campaign.

Site Structure
Start by making sure your site structure is flat, organized and simple. Over time you will likely end up with hundreds of pages.

On to category 4, which is On-Page SEO.

On-page SEO starts with comprehensive Keyword Research. For every page on your site you should have documented Keyword Research. The document should highlight the core keyword and additional keywords you’d like to rank the page for. It should also include speculative metrics like Monthly Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty scores.

From there, you will want to export your current On-Page SEO elements like Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, HTML Headers and Alt Tags to Excel or Google Sheets.

Based on the keyword research, Google Analytics Data and previous experiments; you can start to make decisions about priorities and how you want to make your updates.

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I do recommend a consistent structure for Title Tags. Crafting Title Tags and Meta Description copy is often a collaborative process. But make sure to use the core keyword at the beginning of your Title Tag.

Next category is content. Here is the process for creating amazing content:

Step one is research. Keyword research, topic research, curation of existing successful pages and a of those pages.
Step two is creating the outline with explicit instructions to the writer. Make sure to solicit feedback on the outline from your partners and other key employees. While the SEO company may nail the outline, your subject matter expertise can be a huge contribution to content planning.
Step 3 is putting a high quality writer to work. There may be several iterations until the whole team signs off. Don’t rush the process as the goal is to produce the highest quality content in your local market.
Step 4 is uploading and optimizing the content. I recommend using custom images and avoiding stock photography when possible.

And lastly, don’t forgot to build amazing links to the site!

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