
Contacting an Attorney Following an Auto Accident | Ed Smith – Attorney for Auto Accidents


You should contact an if you have injuries because insurance companies lie, cheat steal. Too strong? My 30 years in trenches tells me otherwise. I’ve written a handout “72 ways insurance companies lie, cheat and steal” that you can obtain under the resources tab on my website, There’s many mistakes people in make early on such as giving a statement the wrongdoers or not taking photographs of the cars, the scene and the visible injuries. These mistakes can hurt your case severely and you should talk to a good accident attorney promptly so you can avoid them. A good attorney will tell you if he can help you net more or not. Sometimes, he”ll guide you through Small Claims Court instead. Consultations are free. Don’t guess. Call us now at 916-921-6400 for free, friendly advice.

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