
Maryland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers




As the State of Maryland continues to age more people in Maryland nursing homes. Recently, there have been stunning reports of and neglect in Maryland nursing homes. Nursing home horror stories are in fact real.
 There are basically two types of nursing home cases: abuse and neglect cases and malpractice cases.
, lets discuss what experienced Maryland nursing home attorneys consider an abuse case:
I. Nursing home abuse is defined by Federal law (42 C.F.R. 488.301) it is the willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment with physical harm, pain or mental anguish.
It may include:
The knowing prescription of improper drugs;
Imprisonment or unnecessary restraints;
and battery
B. Neglect Neglect is done without intent.  It is the result of negligence or indifference. Basically failing to give proper care (42 C.F.R. 488.301).
We see this in bed sore cases where the patient is not giving proper food or medical attention.
Medical Malpractice
Often medical malpractice occurs simply because inadequate medical care has been provided. One of the main reasons, the simple number of who care for nursing home patients in inadequate.

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Maryland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

nursing home abuse lawyers , Maryland Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers , #Maryland #Nursing #Home #Abuse #Lawyers
