
SEO For Lawyers


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Many attorneys assume that getting their websites optimized for the search engines and getting found Google is expensive.

Some even think it’s a rip off.

But that’s a big myth.

SEO is entirely flexible and there’s no set cost for every situation.

But even if the costs were rigid, isn’t the real measurement about ROI?

I don’t know about you, but I’d spend $1 to get $1.50 all day long.

Investing in a search engine marketing campaign promises big R.O.I.

Not just for one day or week, but for years to come.

Once you’re at the of Google, you’ll get residual customers.

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Unlike newspaper ads or radio spots, with SEO you can continue to pull in customers day after day, without much thought or effort.

Sure, there are some on-going costs for maintenance and management, but it’s nothing like the hundreds you’ll end up paying out for un-targeted print ads.

So is SEO just a big rip off?

The answer is yes, if you choose the wrong “expert.”

Anyone who promises you a specific position in Google, is lying to you.

Anyone who promises you specific results in a specific frame is lying to you.

Anyone who says they can do it all for a one flat $99 fee, is lying to you.

These people are the bottom-feeders of this industry and give the legitimate companies a bad wrap, but that doesn’t mean SEO itself is a rip off.

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In fact, optimizing your law firm is one of the most effective ways to get leads for your business, and it really doesn’t have to be out of reach for you.

Look, we won’t lie to you just to get your business.

We can’t promise specific positions in specific time frames, nor can we offer time and high level of expertise for peanuts, but we can offer you a golden gateway to daily leads for your firm, for far less than it would cost to run yellow pages ad or radio advertisements each week.

On top of that, we are one of the, if not the only SEO company that will actually get you rank online before you !

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All you have to do is click the link below in the video description, fill out the quote form, or you can give us a call at 1800-655-3509, and let us show you how we can bring you more customers, while you continue focusing on running your business.

Thanks for watching.

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