
Social Security Disability Back Pay | SSD Law | Berger and Green The Injury and Disability Lawyers


Disability Attorney Regina discusses back pay and why having an attorney assist you in your Social Security disability case is so important.

How far back your back pay will be if awarded Social Security Disability is determined upon when Social Security Administration deemed that you became disabled. Social Security Administration can pay you 12 months prior to your date of however generally speaking in cases your back pay will start to accrue from your alleged onset date. That is the date that you became disabled and unable to work. Having an you fight your back pay is important in this process and having an attorney can help you get that 12 months prior to date of application as back pay. If you have any questions about back pay or Social Security disability insurance benefits please contact our office. Thank you for visiting our website. Please feel free to text, call, or complete the contact us form. Thank you.

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