
What do judges look for in child custody cases?


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Hello everybody out there in social media land, it’s personal and family law attorney, Derek Bernstein here to give you more family law, legal advice and today, I’m answering the question, what do look for in cases? So, isn’t that a loaded question? What do they look for? Well, these are people, these are lawyers. Each one them is individually different, they different have history, they have different things, but universally, what they’re looking for is a stable person who puts the best interest of their ahead of their own. So, a person who’s making sacrifices, a person who’s just being honest. I think honesty is the biggest key right here. They’re not trying to blow smoke up the judge’s skirts or their robes. So, you’re looking to come to court, be prepared, be professional, and don’t do stupid crap.

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Don’t be petty, don’t look like you’re childish, don’t look like you’re, you’re just a hurt person trying to get back at the other side. Put your children first, put your emotions out of it and actually present yourself well. So obviously, that is big too, because attorneys and judges sometimes like are this. So, if you get with your attorney and they’re really a combative person, how would that bulldog? Look, if they’re a jerk and their staff’s a jerk, the judge may not like them and then you are going to get the bottom of that. So, you want to find somebody who’s respected in the community as well and then you just want to always do the right thing. I tell people when they get there, let’s get our documents in quick take your parenting course, do all these things. Quickly show the judge, look, hey judge, I’m here, I’m trying to do the right thing. This is about my kids.

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And usually, judges can pick up on people’s character, that’s what a judge does. They judge people. So, just show up, try to get the best thing for your children. Try to get the time that makes more sense for your kids to go forward, showing interest in the other and their wants a little bit too, just be a genuine person and that’s what judges really look for in people in my opinion as a family law attorney. So, it’s personal injury attorney, Derek Bernstein, answering your questions of what do judges look for in child custody question cases, keep your questions coming,

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