
What Employees Should Never Do – Employment Law Show: S4 E9


What Employees Should Never Do, on Employment Law Show with Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you to know about employment law in , British Columbia and Alberta on Season 4 Episode 9 of the only employment law show on TV in .

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0:00 – Intro

► 1:58 An individual was placed on a Temporary Layoff for 6 weeks by his employer during a slow time of year. When the employee checked in 6 weeks later, the employer said there still wasn’t any work available, and directed them to check back in another 6 weeks. What are my rights during a temporary layoff? Lior explains that a temporary layoff is actually a termination of employment.
on Temporary Layoffs here:

► 5:12 A caller from – I took a medical leave for 10 months to fight breast cancer. When I was cleared to return to work, I contacted my employer. He told me that because things were slow he had to lay me off. Even though I had worked there for 11 years, I didn’t receive any severance pay.
• Learn more about the employer’s Duty to Accommodate here:
• More on your Severance Pay rights here:

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► 9:22 POCKET EMPLOYMENT – I have been working at a car dealership for around 2 years. Despite consistently meeting performance quotas, my manager always singles me out and criticizes my work in front of others. Last month, she raised my sales quota by 75%! I was the only one given this new target.
The owners say there is nothing they can do.
What are the rights to severance pay for salespeople?
• More on your Severance Pay for Salespeople:

• Employees should never make assumptions about their – 14:11
• Employees should never accept changes to the terms of their employment – 15:49
• Employees should never accept a verbal termination – 17:10
• Employees should never call the Ministry of Labour if they lose their job – 18:34
• Employees should never accept an unfair performance review – 20:22
• Employees should never sign an employment contract without having it reviewed – 21:20
• Are you an Employee in need of an Employment Lawyer? Get Help Here:

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► 23:02 A caller from – I worked as a labourer in a warehouse for 12 years. I was just let go and offered a severance package with 6 weeks’ pay. How is severance pay calculated? Was I given enough for the amount of time I worked for them? What is severance pay for a labourer?
• Use the Severance Pay Calculator here:

► 26:27 A caller from – I was demoted 3 weeks ago from a middle manager position to a clerical job, dropping my pay by $14,000. They said it was the only job they had available. Now I report to somebody who used to report to me. I have been working there for 25 years. What recourse do I have? Do I have to accept a demotion?
• Use the Pocket Employment Lawyer for Constructive Dismissal here:
• Learn more about a Constructive Dismissal:

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► Before you call a lawyer, use to out if you might have a case:

► Calculate the amount of severance pay your are owed with the Severance Pay Calculator:

► Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help. Find out more:

📍 Toronto employment lawyer –
📍 Vancouver employment lawyer –
📍 Ottawa employment lawyer –
📍 Calgary employment lawyer –

📺 More about the Employment Law Show here:
📺 Watch the Disability Law Show here:


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